Meta Messenger custom app

Integrate your chatbot with a Meta Messenger custom app so your users can chat with your inGenious AI chatbot through Meta Messenger.

Custom apps

Meta's One App connection does not support custom apps. To use a custom app, you need to create the connection manually before you can configure the channel. If you are not using a custom app, you can create your connection easily with One App.

Facebook Admin required

You’ll need to be an Admin of the Facebook app and page to complete the integration steps.

You'll need to:

  1. Add the Facebook Page Access Token to inGenious AI, and add the inGenious AI Callback URL and token to your Facebook App.
  2. Add the Facebook App ID and App Secret to inGenious AI.
  3. Configure your handover receives in your Facebook page.
  4. Configure your Meta Messenger experience in inGenious AI.

Before you start…

Make sure you have created:

  • Your inGenious AI chatbot.
  • The Facebook app and Facebook page you’ll connect the chatbot to.

This process involves some back-and-forth between your inGenious AI chatbot settings and your Facebook Developer page. It’s much easier if you get yourself set up first:

  1. Open inGenious AI.
  2. Add a Meta Messenger channel to your chatbot:
    1. Open the team and  chatbot you want to integrate and click Manage.
    2. Click Integrations.
    3. Click + Integration.
    4. Click Meta Messenger.
  3. Click the new Meta Messenger inntegration.
  4. Select the Use my own Facebook app checkbox.
    The fields you need to connect your Facebook custom app are displayed.
  5. In another tab, open your Facebook Developer page and select the App you want to integrate.
  6. Open Notepad or another text editor so you can copy multiple things at once.

Next: Add your access tokens and callback urls.

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