Entry points

An entry point defines:

  • Which passage is sent to a user when they start a conversation with your chatbot.
  • Any actions that should be performed before the first passage is sent, such as configuring variables. 

All chatbots have a default entry point, which is the first passage a user is sent when they interact with your chatbot for the first time. You can create additional entry points that send the user to a different passage or perform different actions if they come from specific URLs.

Entry points can help a user get what they need quickly without having to know how to navigate through chatbot menus, and also feel more natural by taking advantage of the user's current context. For example:

  • A custom entry point URL in a social media advertisement that takes users directly through a sign-up or order process.
  • A custom entry point displayed as a QR code in a store or branch allows the chatbot to tailor the conversation to that location without asking the customer where they are.
  • A custom entry point URL provided in a customer service email that allows users to quickly navigate to getting the help they need.

You can create a custom entry point to any passage in your chatbot, and create as many custom entry points as you need.

You can:

You can also create custom entry points that trigger when users open your chatbot from a special URL you generate, and generate Ad JSON to send a specific passage to users when they open your chatbot via a click-to-Messenger advertisement.

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