View and download test results

You can view and download the latest results of all your regression tests from the Regression tests page:

  1. Select the team and chatbot you need.
  2. Open the Improve section in the left navigation and click Regression Tests.

View test results

For each regression test, you can view:

  • The name of the test and the last time it was run.
  • The confidence interval used to run the test.
    This is the same confidence interval defined in your chatbot's NLP settings.
  • The pass goal defined in the regression test.
  • How well the chatbot performed on that test run.

If you want to view or download the results of a previous test run, click the test you want to see in the table. In the details page for that test, you can see the last five test runs.

Download test results

Click the menu icon to the right of the test to download the results. The test results download shows each phrase with the conversation and passage it was supposed to match, and the conversation and passage the chatbot actually matched.

You can download the results for all phrases in the test file, or just the phrases that the chatbot did not match correctly.

You can upload the incorrect results file as-is into a new regression test, to create a test to target just those phrases.

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