Zendesk Chat Step 5: Integrate

Make sure you have:

  1. Created a dedicated chatbot account in Zendesk.
  2. Configured your Zendesk Chat account.
  3. Found your Zendesk Chat access token.
  4. Generated your handover department ID.

To finish your integration with Zendesk Chat:

  1. Open inGenious AI
  2. Add a Zendesk Chat channel to your chatbot:
    1. Open the team and  chatbot you want to integrate and click Manage.
    2. Click Integrations.
    3. Click + Integration.
    4. Click Zendesk Chat.
  3. Click the new Zendesk Chat channel card.
  4. Copy the Access Token from Notepad.
  5. Toggle Enable handover on.
  6. Copy the department ID you created earlier into the Handover Department field.
  7. Click Save.
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