Meta Messenger Step 3: Configure your channel

Make sure you have:

  1. Connected inGenious AI to your Facebook page.
  2. Configured the handover receivers for the Facebook page.

To finish connecting Meta Messenger, configure the settings in inGenious AI for your Meta Messenger chatbot:

Remember to click Save when you've finished.

Configure your Greetings Message and Persistent Menu

The Greetings Message is sent when users interact with your chatbot on Meta for the first time. Write a short message to welcome a new user and tell them how to get started.

The Persistent Menu is displayed at the bottom of the Meta chat window. You can create menu buttons that open a website or send the chatbot to a specific passage. Click a menu button to edit the text, change what it does, or delete it.

If you want to add emojis to your message or buttons, you can search for the emoji you want to use on and paste it in.

Whitelist script and webview domains in inGenious AI

If your scripts or webviews call any domains outside of the provided libraries, you need to add them to Meta’s whitelist so Meta will allow the call.

Paste each domain your chatbot will use on a new line.

Customise your chatbot avatar

If you want to present a custom avatar in Meta Messenger, toggle Customise Chatbot Avatar on, and:

  1. Select the image you want to use either by URL or your chatbot media library.
  2. Type the profile name you want displayed in Meta Messenger.
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