Edit a transcript report

You can edit a transcript report at any time to change its name, the period it searches, the interaction type, or add or remove interaction properties. If you want to see the latest transcripts for the report without changing the search criteria, you can refresh the report instead.

You must have an administrator or publisher role to edit private or shared transcript reports.

  1. Open the team and chatbot you want to edit and click Improve.
  2. Click Transcript reports.
  3. If the report is shared with your team, click the Shared tab.
  4. Click the report you want to edit.
  5. Make your changes.
    If you change the interaction type of the report, any existing interaction properties defined in the report that are not supported by the new interaction type are removed. For more information, see Interaction types and properties.
  6. Click Update.
    The report displays the number of transcripts that match the report criteria. You can adjust the filters or reporting period if your report retrieves too many or too few transcripts.
  7. To see the transcripts that match your updated report, click View transcripts.

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