Genesys Step 4: Route your chatbot

Make sure you have:

To route your chatbot:

  1. Log in to your Genesys MyPureCloud administrator account.
  2. Choose the Collaborate view.
  3. Click Admin in the top navigation bar.
  4. Click Message Routing.
  5. At the top right of the page, click + to add a new routing entry.
  6. Click Select Flow.
  7. Choose the flow you imported and configured earlier.
  8. At the top right of the page, click + next to the Addresses menu.
  9. Click Select Address.
  10. Select the address named InGenious AI - {XXXXX}, where XXXXX is your inGenious AI chatbot ID.
  11. Click Add.
  12. Click Save.

Your inGenious AI chatbot is now integrated with Genesys Open Messaging. Now it's time to test your integration:

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