Add a script to your chatbot

When you have written your script, you can add it to a passage as either a script bubble in the Bot Message, or a script that will run after the user responds.

To add your script in the Bot Message:

  1. Open the passage where you want the script to run.
  2. Click the Script button in the Bot Message area.
  3. Click the script bubble that appears.
  4. Click Config.
  5. Select the script you want to run.
  6. Complete any defined script parameters.
  7. If you want the conversation flow to automatically continue when the script finishes, turn on the Auto send next message toggle.
  8. Save the passage.

To send or not to send?

The Auto send next message toggle controls whether the chatbot automatically sends the next message in the passage when the script has finished. If your script does not send a message or direct the chatbot to a passage and you have Auto send next message set to off, the chatbot will not continue the conversation flow when the script ends.

To run a script after the user responds:

  1. Open the passage where you want the script to run.
  2. Click the Run Script button in the Expected User Response area.
  3. Select the script you want to run.
  4. Complete any defined script parameters.
  5. Save the passage.


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