
Sofie Bird

  • Total activity 616
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Latest activity by Sofie Bird
  • Sofie Bird created an article,

    Create an LLM Connector

    Create an LLM Connector to connect your chatbot to a Large Language Model (LLM) provider and model. Your chatbot can use this LLM Connector to power advanced features such as generating training ph...

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  • Sofie Bird created an article,

    Connect to Sunshine Conversations via Zendesk

    If you have a Zendesk instance, you can connect your chatbot to Sunshine Conversations directly through Zendesk, as an alternative to connecting through Sunshine Conversations. Make sure you have t...

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  • Sofie Bird created an article,

    Make a passage resumable

    Resumable passages allow your user to jump out of a passage flow to another passage or logic in either the same conversation or a different conversation, and return to where they were. Resumable pa...

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  • Sofie Bird created an article,

    Inactivity response

    You can configure a passage to send to your user when they haven't interacted with your chatbot (i.e. by pressing buttons, Quick Replies, or typing responses) for a while. Changes to these settings...

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  • Sofie Bird created an article,

    Copy and paste multiple items

    You can copy and paste multiple canvas notes, passages and logic between conversations and chatbots. The new copy includes: Passage message and response content. Channel-specific content is only ...

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  • Sofie Bird created an article,

    Create an LLM Usage

    Create a LLM Usage to enable advanced features that use Large Language Models (LLMs) to help you maintain your chatbot content, such as generating training phrase suggestions or handover transcript...

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  • Sofie Bird created an article,

    LLM integrations

    The inGenious AI platform offers some advanced features to help you maintain your chatbot content, such as generating training phrase suggestions or handover transcript summaries for your live agen...

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  • Sofie Bird created an article,

    URL Parameters settings

    You can configure your chatbot to add parameters to URLs it sends to your users. For example, to add analytics data when your chatbot sends a link to your website, or a pre-formatted search-string ...

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  • Sofie Bird created an article,

    Add an expiry to a variable

    Some variables should only store a value for a short time. For example, if you have a variable that stores which product number the user is making a support call for, that value is probably not use...

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  • Sofie Bird created an article,

    Define the Else section

    The Else section defines what the chatbot should do when none of the logic tabs' conditions match. The chatbot checks each tab in turn from left to right, and if it can't find any tab where the con...

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