Interactions where the chatbot responded with a fallback response are grouped together. Mark each response to indicate whether you expected the chatbot to respond with a fallback, given its training questions, and then note whether new content was required.
Fallbacks are not pre-marked as correct or incorrect: you will need to mark each one, either individually or in bulk. You can also:
- Add a comment or label to passages.
- View the interaction in context.
- View or edit passages that have already been marked.
Correcting a response
If you did expect the fallback to trigger from the chatbot user's message, select the tick under Expected. You are prompted to select whether the chatbot should have sent:
- The fallback message that it sent.
- A new passage, if the passage the chatbot should have sent the user does not exist.
If you did not expect the fallback to trigger from the chatbot user's message, select the cross under Expected. You are prompted to select the correct passage you expected the chatbot to send.
Correcting responses in bulk
If you want to correct several passages on the screen the same way:
- Select the checkbox to the right of each passage you want to make the same correction to.
The top menu bar will display the bulk-add options. - Click the tick or cross button in the top bar.
- Select what the response should have been.
Any existing corrections for the selected passages will be replaced.
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