Change the review state

All passages and logic have a review state, which tracks whether the content has been changed from the published version, and whether those changes have been reviewed. Passage and logics can be in draft, ready to review, ready to publish and published.

When you save changes to a passage or logic that is in draft, ready to review, or ready to publish, it stays in the same review state it was before. When you make changes to a passage or logic that is published, the passage or logic is automatically moved to draft.

The current review state is indicated by the icon next to the passage or logic name:


Ready to review.

Ready to publish.

Published. Making changes will move the passage to draft.

To change the review state of a passage or logic, open the corresponding review state page in your chatbot's versions, select the passage or logic you want to move, and select the review state to move it to.

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