Personalise with a user's question

Personalising your chatbot's responses helps your chatbot user feel they're being heard and valued. A simple way to personalise your content is to customise your chatbot's response using the words your user used in their questions. For example, if they send a question about a product, your chatbot can use the name of the product in its reply.

If a lot of our responses are the same for all products, we don't want to make a lot of duplicate passages just to specify the different product names. Instead, we'll use a placeholder for the product name called an entity.

Entities are special placeholders that capture specific words from questions so they can be used in chatbot content. Before the chatbot sends the passage to the user, it updates the entity placeholder with the value it captured from the user's question.

In this guide, we're going to:

  1. Create the entity we'll use as a placeholder for all our product names.
  2. Create the passage where we'll respond to the user's product question.
  3. Create a question using that entity to capture the product name the user used.
  4. Use that entity in the passage's bot message to reply to the user with the correct product name.

Make sure you've selected the team and chatbot you want to work with, and let's create our entity.

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